Horizon Program
The Bilingual School's Horizon Program was developed by the NYC DOE in collaboration with the New England Center for Children (NECC). This program serves students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with one special education teacher, and one classroom paraprofessional for every eight students.
Class structure: The special class ratio in the Horizon Program is eight students with ASD, one special education teacher, and one classroom paraprofessional (8:1:1).
School-based staff: All classroom instructional staff receive training in specialized teaching strategies for students with ASD, including the ReThink social and emotional curriculum.
Curriculum and instruction: Our Horizon Program classes use the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). ASD Horizon Program classes provide a supportive classroom, combining CCLS and ReThink instruction delivered individually, based on student need for academic and social support
Social/emotional supports: Our related service providers work collaboratively with classroom teachers using individually customized ReThink lessons to address specific communication and socialization challenges faced by students.
Cognition / Intelligence: The students who are enrolled in this program have low average to average intellectual functioning with uneven cognitive skills, with both strengths and challenges.
Achievement: Students benefit from instruction based on the principles of ABA and can work independently with some redirection and adult support. Students participate in standard assessments, including New York State (NYS) Math and English Language Arts (ELA) exams.
Language/Communication: Students who participate in this program may have mild to moderate expressive and receptive with social pragmatic (practical) language delays.
Behavior: Participants in this program may have mild to moderate behavior challenges, but are not physically aggressive and do not have self-injurious behaviors.